Welcome to GGIRHR
GarbhaGudi Institute of Reproductive Health & Research is a platform launched by a team of renowned specialists interested in training medical professionals and science students in reproductive medicine and infertility. Our goal is to bring a revolutionary change in infertility education by presenting a range of courses designed to help people specialize in their skills. Being pioneers in new generation infertility treatment, we have taken the onus of continuous medical education as part of our mission and expansion!

At GGIRHR, we have realized a severe shortage of trained clinicians, embryologists, and support staff in infertility, leading to compromised treatment for many infertile couples worldwide. GarbhaGudi Institute of Reproductive Health & Research (GGIRHR) is our venture to address this lacuna by offering advanced fellowship courses and short-term training courses, recognized by Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Health Sciences and Indian Medical Association, in Clinical ART, Embryology, and Obstetric Ultrasound that cater to the needs of a busy practitioner.

Our Story
GarbhaGudi Institute of Reproductive Health & Research (GGIRHR) was established to provide premier quality reproductive medicine and infertility training to clinicians, embryologists, sonologists, and students with a science background, to name a few. We believe in training enthusiastic minds to excel in their desired field. Our infertility courses aim to impart systematic elucidation of all facets of the ART treatments, such as IVF, featuring hands-on IVF training and fellowship programs in Reproductive Medicine for postgraduate doctors. Moreover, GGIRHR’s courses are beneficial in providing insights into the ethical and economic implications of the treatment to equip every individual with full-fledged knowledge.

Check out our most popular courses below
Meet our Experts
Our team of fertility specialists have been known for their extensive clinical experience and research contributions and their success in treating the most challenging fertility cases.
Research Wing
The research wing of GGIRHR was set up to conduct various studies that can help in diagnosis, treatment, and improved success rates in ART procedures. In this context, GGIRHR has set up the following to assist its endeavours:
Internal Ethics Comittee
Made of eminent and well-qualified members
Full-fledged Research Lab
To work on innovative and path-breaking technologies
Expert Team
To help guide and ensure the research is headed in the right direction
Support Staff
To ensure the documentation, approvals, checks, audits and verifications